
The Best Medicines Coalition seeks and receives corporate funding in the form of sponsorships and grants and receives in kind support through collaboration and partnership from its member organizations.

To ensure ongoing independence of the coalition and make certain that all activities and interactions are pursued within a framework of integrity, the Best Medicines Coalition adheres to a Code of Conduct Regarding Funding to meet the following goals:

  • Ensure that funding arrangements or relationships with funders do not influence or jeopardize the mission, goals, and advocacy activities of the BMC and/or its members.
  • Ensure that arrangements and relationships between the BMC, its members, and funders are ethical, transparent, and able to withstand public scrutiny, and that they reflect positively on the BMC, its members, and the funding organizations.
  • Ensure that the BMC and its members maintain credibility with key audiences and stakeholders, including government officials, health care professional organizations, the media, and patients/consumers.
  • Provide BMC and its members with a solid operating framework and appropriate guidelines so that all may be able to interact more effectively, confidently, and authoritatively with funding organizations.

In addition, the Best Medicines Coalition is a partner in the Canadian Consensus Framework for Ethical Collaboration along with the Health Charities Coalition of Canada, the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Nurses Association, the Canadian Pharmacists Association, Medtech Canada, Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada and Innovative Medicines Canada. Together, these organizations are committed to ensuring that the relationships between patients, health care professionals and the pharmaceutical sector are based on ethical and responsible decisions.

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